Bringing data to life for our clients

Data-driven decision making, promoting transparency and collaboration 

At Ventia, we have developed a strategic approach to how we manage data, developing a set of standards and workflow processes that enable quick and robust interrogation of that data. 

Benefits to our clients

As part of this process, utilising the Power BI platform, we have created asset management dashboards that collate, analyse and present data in a way that allows decision makers to:

  • Identify and manage operational expenditure (OPEX) and capital expenditure (CAPEX) risk and opportunities
  • Forecast CAPEX programs and budgets
  • Analyse life cycle cost and performance from asset portfolio level down to an individual asset, and
  • Analyse and benchmark asset lifecycle performance and cost.

This ability to filter and analyse data provides users with the information required to make better informed whole-of-life asset management decisions.

Critical to the success of this platform is the implementation of Ventia’s unique strategic asset management framework, underpinned by these data standards and workflow processes.

Benefits to Ventia

As a vested party in the development, use and decision making around this data, the benefits to Ventia include:

  • Increased capital works – by showing our clients how they can get better performance or longevity out of their assets, or decrease costs of maintenance, we are positioned well to deliver on any capital works planned as a result
  • Longer-term relationships and contract retention – as we can demonstrate Ventia is the best partner to deliver on our clients’ objectives, we will retain key contracts and maintain relationships with those clients for longer.
Contracts we support with better data

Here are a few of the contracts that Ventia supports, helping create asset management solutions so our clients can get on with delivering critical services to their customers.