Some organisations take up the role and significant responsibility as a custodian of the land because the land provides the basis on which they function. Defence needs large areas to train recruits, water authorities need large catchments to secure sustainable water supply and utilities need land to support essential energy infrastructure. 

Examining and assessing landscape-scale environmental risks presented by bushfire, exotic flora and fauna and implementing programs to minimise them is critical, and even more pressing as our climate changes. Ventia's specialist environment management services bring the expertise and experience to nurture and support the safety and sustainability of this fundamental resource for our clients.   

Custodians of the land

Fire has and will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping our environment and landscapes. It is incumbent on all landowners and managers, in industries ranging from Defence to local government and utilities, to emulate a traditional approach to landscape management through the use of fire. This practice increases ecosystem resilience whilst reducing the potential impact of higher severity bushfires. 

Our changing climate is expected to increase the frequency and severity of bushfires in the future. As custodians of the land, we must be at the forefront of adaptive mitigation efforts, to minimise the frequency of wildfires by pro-actively managing the landscape in a way that reduces risk and promotes positive environmental outcomes. 

Active Monitoring for Adaptive Mitigation 

Key to adaptive mitigation is continuous monitoring for risks and changes in the landscape. Annual on-ground monitoring ensures current risks are captured, and negative or positive changes in ecosystem composition are identified. Active management should be tailored to current risks and on-ground requirements and remain adaptable for when conditions change. 

  • We assess and identify areas of higher potential fuel hazard
  • Check the adequacy of the fire-trail (or firebreak) network infrastructure for safe access and egress, and 
  • Integrate the needs of the underlying vegetation ecosystem into planning, to ensure we balance the imperative of life and property protection with ecologically sustainable outcomes. 

Turning data into intelligence 

Our approach to bushfire management systems and plans is underpinned by an industry leading Geographic Information System (GIS). Spatial data management captures bushfire hazard and other environmental data and effectively sorts information such as zoning patterns, fire history and severity to provide meaningful intelligence. This is then used to inform targeted planning and decision making, as well as predictive analysis, such as bushfire-behaviour modelling that can help to determine the movement of fire through a landscape. 

This important planning functionality supports emergency services and can help to alert at-risk communities to bushfire threats and contingency actions. It also supports evidence-based, informed decision-making to guide land managers to sustainably managing their landscapes for future generations.