
Our Cox Peninsula Remediation Project has won the Civil Contractors Federation Northern Territory Earth Award.

Awarded for category 5, $10m - $30m project value, the CCF Northern Territory Earth Awards recognise companies within the civil sector who have been involved in a project that demonstrates excellence and innovation in the fields of construction, project management and environmental management.

The project received accolades for some key highlights including:

  • The use of three different remediation methods: Directly-heated Thermal Desorption (DTD), chemical immobilisation and disposal to an onsite containment cell
  • Achieving a 35% Indigenous participation rate against a Commonwealth target of 15%
  • Closely working with the Indigenous service provider, the Kenbi Rangers
  • Completing the project eight months ahead of schedule.

The project has now won three important industry awards.

Read more about the project here:


Pictured above: Ventia's Senior Engineer Mark Johannessen, with Project Manager David Bax