Ventia has been awarded a contract to provide prisoner movement and in-court management services by the Government of South Australia.

The contract will begin on 1 August this year and covers the movement and management of prisoners and young detainees between prisons, courts and other places determined by the state.

Ventia Group Executive of Defence and Social Infrastructure Derek Osborn said the contract would build on Ventia's presence in South Australia.

"Ventia is pleased to be selected by the Government of South Australia to deliver this essential service," Mr Osborn said.

"We bring a welfare-led approach, efficiency through innovations and certainty that has been proven across several of our contracts within our social infrastructure business in Australia and New Zealand.

"Ventia will be retaining the current workforce and we expect to create more jobs for South Australians over the life of the contract. There will also be opportunities for small to medium businesses to help us deliver this service, keeping revenue in South Australia.

I am particularly passionate about our strategy to employ more Indigenous Australians as outlined in our Elevate Reconciliation Action Plan. For this contract, Ventia commits to meeting the six per cent Aboriginal Australian employment target as set by the State, demonstrating our private sector commitment in helping close the gap for Indigenous Australians.

"Gender diversity is also an important goal with 50 per cent of management and support roles to be held by women. 

"We look forward to working with the Government of South Australia and the existing employees to ensure a smooth transition to the new contract and to providing a high-quality service throughout the contract period."