Maintaining energy assets is crucial to the reliable transmission and distribution of electricity and gas to communities throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Ventia is a trusted partner to some of the region's largest owners and operators of these essential energy assets. 

In New Zealand, we have been supporting the national electricity grid for over 25 years, and in Australia, we have worked to safely and successfully deliver over $250 million  of electricity and gas transmission and distribution (T&D) projects in the past decade. 
Our team understands the critical importance of T&D infrastructure and our work is focused on minimising downtime and optimising operational efficiencies for our clients and their customers.

This service forms just one part of our broader energy industry offer. Ventia is a valued, long-term partner to some of Australia and New Zealand's largest energy providers and users, working to drive operational efficiencies, cost savings, safety and reliability, assuring the ongoing value of energy assets.

What we do

With deep expertise in energy transmission and distribution assets, we serve customers in city centres, as well as regional and remote communities.

In New Zealand we are a key service provider to Transpower, New Zealand's high voltage transmission network owner and operator, a state-owned enterprise responsible for the country's electric power transmission. The team has been acknowledged with several awards as Ventia's Electricity & Gas and Telecommunications businesses work together to:

  • Operate and maintain dedicated regions of the national transmission grid
  • Deliver capital projects
  • Provide specialist electrical and telecommunication services

Working with electricity distributor Energy Queensland (parent corporation for Energex and Ergon Energy) throughout the state, Ventia's maintenance, construction and minor capital works teams deliver services to support overhead and underground powerlines, including:

  • Operations and maintenance (O&M) services on overhead and underground transmission and distribution lines
  • Capital projects including new construction and replacement of ageing infrastructure
  • Support during severe weather events including power restoration.

Working with gas distributors such as APA and MultiNet Gas in Victoria and South Australia, Ventia's maintenance, rectification, construction and minor capital works teams deliver essential services to support gas distribution assets, such as: 

  • new connections; and 
  • capital projects, including new construction and replacement of ageing gas infrastructure.

To complement the above services, Ventia's uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) experts provide the full range of drone solutions via our inhouse pilots and data analysts including inspections, confined space, thermal imaging, photogrammetry, LiDAR, surveying, environmental, imaging and video.

How we do it

Ventia's technicians work safely on electrical and gas infrastructure, whilst maintaining continued energy supply to end customers. Where crews are required to work in de-energised environments, we hold relevant licences to carry out low and high voltage switching, and to issue permits.